We are pleased to announce that BLACK token have been listed on ChainSwap.
Users can swiftly bridge BLACK from ETH to HECO and BSC using ChainSwap on exchange.Chainswap.com.
Thanks to ChainSwap innovation the BLACK smart contract address remains same on the all three chains:
About ChainSwap
ChainSwap is a cross-chain asset bridge & application hub for smart chains. ChainSwap allows projects to seamlessly bridge between ETH, BSC and HECO. In the future ChainSwap will be integrating chains and provide full cross-chain solutions between BTC, DOT, SOL and more.
About BlackHole
BlackHole Protocol is an approval-free cross-chain burning platform based on Ethereum network. Any user or project governor could create a burning pool by holding BLACK and old Token LP to permanently burn the old Token into a new Token, thus gaining ecological vitality.