We are pleased to announce that VERA is using ChainSwap technology to bridge their native token VERA between BSC and ETH.
Users can swiftly bridge VERA to ETH and BSC using ChainSwap on exchange.Chainswap.com.
VERA token have been listed on ChainSwap:
Token contract address on eth: 0xd7f0cc50ad69408ae58be033f4f85d2367c2e468
Token contract address on bsc: 0x4a0a3902e091cdb3aec4279a6bfac50297f0a79e
About ChainSwap
ChainSwap is a cross-chain asset bridge & application hub for smart chains. ChainSwap allows projects to seamlessly bridge between ETH, BSC and HECO. In the future ChainSwap will be integrating chains and provide full cross-chain solutions between BTC, DOT, SOL and more.
About Vera
Vera is the most powerful open financial platform for non-fungible token (NFT) assets. Vera offers decentralized financing, leasing, lending, and other essential financial services for any NFT marketplace, game, or application. Founded in 2021 and backed by notable investors in the decentralized fintech space such as Animoca Brands (leader in blockchain gaming and NFTs; key investor in Axie Infinity, Open Sea, Dapper Labs, CryptoKitties, and much more) and the Web3 Foundation, Vera’s mission is simple: To build open, secure, and powerful NFT financial products that are equally available to everyone everywhere.