ChainSwap Integration progress and updates

2 min readAug 9, 2021


After the hack, our team are hard working on improving the fixes to make ChainSwap better, and after a period of hard work, we are happy to report to the community the progress during this time. The collaboration with Answap also brings new energy to ChainSwap, we will bring security assurance and a better experience to everyone, and the ChainSwap cross-chain bridge will be launched again soon!

What we have completed

1. ChainSwap has finished the compatibility work with Anyswap on contract level, now ChainSwap can support Anyswap’s contract protocol.

2. The new cross-chain flow has been designed with UI. In the past, users need to deposit first and then switch chains to withdraw, now it only takes one step.

3. Now we have completed the testing of the backend protocol with Anyswap, and did the experience optimization, now we are waiting for the main network testing.

On going

1. Due to the modification of the contract protocol, the front-end adds a lot of modification work, and team are now quickly modifying the new front-end code to interface with the new contract.

2. Front-end is doing modification work according to the new cross-chain steps and new UI.

3. The backend is doing compatibility with the backend protocol of Anyswap and doing mainnet testing.

4. We are doing the complete step-by-step testing for compatibility with Anyswap protocol.

5. ChainSwap V2 is under active development, including contract, front-end and back-end.

What we plan to do next

1. After the front-end and back-end compatible with Anyswap work is completed, we will do the cross-chain integrity test, and will reopen the bridge service after full testing.

2. We will do more perfect contract audit work by finding a number of well-known audit companies to audit the contract.

Thanks again for the support from the community and users, we promise to bring you a more perfect ChainSwap cross-chain bridge.

